How much does it cost?
Clinic Fee - $150*
MMMP Fee - $60
*average. Clinic fees vary slightly.
How long does it take?
The process timeline can vary from patient to patient. The sooner you can complete and submit the required forms and other paperwork, the sooner the physician can be seen to complete the patient certification.
Approval or denial of applications will be within fifteen days upon receipt of completed paperwork. Registry cards shall be issued within five days upon approval.
How do I qualify?
- Must have physician’s certification with any of the qualifying medical conditions
- Must have corresponding medical records confirming the diagnosis
- Must be a Michigan resident with proof of residency
See if you qualify:
Qualifying Conditions
If you’re not sure which conditions qualify for an Michigan medical marijuana card, look here
See a complete overview of the process of obtaining a medical marijuana card
Information about caregivers in the state of Michigan.
Learn more about growing medical marijuana with an MMMP card
An overview of legal resources for the Michigan Medical Marijuana Program
Read many different research reports regarding medical marijuana and specific conditions
Operation of marijuana medical dispensaries have been declared illegal by the Michigan Supreme Court.
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